Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I don't have much to say.

My mom just found out last night that she has uterus cancer and will need a hysterectomy in December.

This just as she's recovering from a second bout of breast cancer.


Derek Knight said...

So sorry to hear that...Hope everything works out.

MJames said...

Your mom sounds like a real fighter. Keep us posted on the surgery and everything. Many thoughts and prayers to both of you--

garion333 said...

That's a stinker.

My Mom had a hysterectomy this summer and while she hated having to be more or less bed (or sofa) ridden while recovering, it was a much needed surgery.

It's just too bad that your mom has to get it taken out because of cancer.

Unknown said...

That sucks, although a hysterectomy is not the end of the world, and it's better to lose that than your life. My mother had one when she hit menopause, and my sister-in-law had one due to reoccurring cysts that could very well have killed her.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear that Justin - my thoughts are with you and your family.

Heather said...

I hope everything goes all right for your mom! We'll be praying for her!!!